Monday, November 5, 2007

Et Cetera

Michelle wants you all to be aware of Alley Assassin from 2002. Her alley, swamp, consisted of all girls and absolutely dominated, and she herself registered 2.0 kills, under the pseudonym Michelle Swann. She said she didn't want to become a master assassin because then she'd have to be paranoid about being a target, but the site lists her as a target already, so i'm not sure what's up with that. It turns out that my co-workers should really be afraid of her, not me. But i'll let them believe whatever they want as long as it keeps me safe. Besides, i may just call on her to give me some help.

i was recently pointed to this excellent song (thank you Dan). Created by a professor at Caltech, David Politzer (Nobel prize in Physics, 2004), it is a song that, if i may say so, resonates deeply with my nerdy core. If it doesn't make much sense to you, you can be thankful that you aren't a complete nerd. If you find it hilarious, well, there's not much i can do for you. Except join you.

Happy third luniversary to my son, Gavin! At three months old, he continues to amaze me, and i love him more all the time.

2 unique comments:

Adam said...

I've always wondered what to call the commemoration of something counted in months. I usually use Monthiversary, but that's really just to be sarcastic. Luniversary is a new one on me... I did this with a quick google search. I personally like uncianniversary, though it's more syllables than monthiversary. I wonder which one will win.

Katie said...

I didn't know that sweet Michelle was such a force to be reckoned with! :)